I know everyone is especially busy this time of year and money is especially scarce. I also know that you, like me, probably reflect heavily on the abundance you have while recognizing there are others who are so much less fortunate. I do what I can by throwing some money in the Salvation Army bucket in front of Kroger, adding the food bank $4.73 meal donation at Publix and donating canned goods and toys at various locations throughout the holiday season. I know this is not enough but I am happy I can help out in some very small ways.
In addition to helping our fellow humankind, I think about our fellow animalkind and how I can help out without having a lot of time or money. A great option if you are in the Atlanta area is with Fulton County Animal Services. You can sign up as a volunteer and if you have a few hours, help out at adoption events or take a dog for a day. So even if you already have 6 dogs and can't adopt another one, or can't have a dog in your apartment, you can experience the joy of having a dog for a day- taking him on walks, to the park, playing fetch, getting kisses AND that lucky dog gets a day out of the shelter experiencing fresh air, exercise, play and human contact. It's really a win-win and requires no money on your part.
Sign up to be a volunteer at Fulton County Animal Services:

Check out this article for some other ways you can help out without having a lot of time or money: