Pet Food Facts:
Kibble was developed for human convenience, not with our cats' and dogs' health in mind. How can something that has a shelf life of 20 years be considered food? Do those hard, dry pellets even look like food??
Grain is usually the main ingredient in kibble, which dogs and cats can not digest. They don't produce Amylase, the enzyme that breaks down carbohydrates, and this puts stress on the pancreas, leading to pancreatitis. Even more dangerous, recent grain-free kibble has replaced grain with legumes, another ingredients cats and dogs were never meant to eat and has been linked to heart disease in dogs.
Kibble is cooked, often at 300º, which causes at least 50% nutrient loss in meats and vegetables. Cooking food destroys natural enzymes as well as the good, beneficial bacteria found naturally in raw foods. Just like humans, dogs and cats need natural probiotics.
Only humans need to cook meat to process harmful bacteria. Dogs and cats are hunters and dogs are scavengers. They maintain extremely short digestive tracts which do not allow bacteria time to multiply to significant levels.
Rebel Raw makes nutrient rich, whole food meals for cats and dogs. Our food is raw, easily digestible with the most bioavailable nutrients for cats and dogs, the way nature intended.
We make feeding real food easy. Order online and receive frozen, pre-measured portions delivered to your door.